Cosmetic Surgery

Arm Liposuction

You can now get rid of the extra fat on your arms by getting arm liposuction at Engrace Clinics for an affordable price. Sometimes exercising does not contribute to burning the fat located on your arms. Bulky and heavy arms give an obese appearance, whereas thinner arms make you look slim. Our aim is to remove your extra fat so that that you can look attractive and feel confident. With thin arms, you do not have to restrict yourself to wearing only long sleeves. We don’t remove the fat in excessive amounts, just the right amount to make your arms look healthily slim.

Chin Surgery

Chin surgery is performed to reconstruct or alter the underlying facial tissues of the chin either by inserting an implant or by readjusting the bones to give a suitable look, symmetry and appearance of the facial contours. Mentoplasty or Genioplasty are the surgical terms that reduce or add the material to the chin respectively. The major objective is to detect, surgically operate and rectify the chin flaws for an improved facial appearance. Contact Dr. ABC available at Jaipur established clinic XYZ for in- depth consultation and valuable consultation.

Breast Reduction & Lift

You can now get your breast lift and breast reduction by undergoing reduction mammoplasty at Engrace Clinics. Many women have extremely large, pendulous breasts. Undergoing breast reduction surgery can prove to be helpful for them. Reduction in size is done by removing extra skin, fat and breast tissue mainly from the lower portion and other parts of the breast. The nipple is placed in a higher, more youthful position and the breast is contoured and reshaped. If you are searching for a good clinic for breast reduction surgery then Engrace Clinics is your best option.

Ear Lobe Repair

Ear lobe surgery or ear lobe repair is an effective procedure to reconstruct the split or torn ear lobes as a results of improper piercing, wearing heavy jewellery or intentional gauging or keloid scarring. Split ear lobes blemishes the natural beauty of an individual’s face. Facial symmetry can be perfected by repairing or renovating the defected ear lobes as it contain no bones but only skin tissues. Yanked or pulled down ear lobes can also be rejuvenated by ear lobe repair surgery. XYZ clinic in Jaipur can be visited to avail ear lobe surgery or repair services of Dr. ABC.

Dimple Creation

Dimple surgery or dimple creation surgery is a reproducible and reliable procedure to create or articulate permanent natural-looking dimples by transiting a transcutaneous biopsy stitch to bind the inner cheek in order to form a cylindrical shallow defect without harming the external skin. Aesthetic surgical knot forms an attractive dimple either one of both sides of face on cheek area without smiling. It is non-invasive surgical procedure that is safe as no damage of tissues related to buccal mucosa occurs without any haematoma formation and acute bleeding. Anatomically, natural dimples are caused by double bifid or zygomaticus muscles of facial cheeks.

Lip Surgery

Lip augmentation or Lip Surgery or Lip reduction surgery are the surgical and non- surgical procedures respectably as these are performed to enhance or improving the appearance of lips by adding fullness or broadening the lips and decreasing or reducing the thickness of lips respectively. Structure, shape and volume of both the lips get propionate. It is an easy and secure surgical procedure for treating droopy skin around lips or post trauma or buck tooth.

Eye Lid Surgery

Eye lid repair or eye lid surgery or Blepharoplast is performed to modify and correct the deformities and disfigurations in order to provide a refined and suitable look to the affected eye regions. Repositioning, removal or excision of unwanted eye tissues and adipocyte fat and the reinforcement of tendon muscles and tissues impressively correct and resolve all the functional issues related to periorbita- the region above the cheek to the eye. Contact clinic XYZ of famous plastic surgeon Dr. ABC based in Jaipur to avail eye lid surgery or eye lid repair services.

Nose Shaping

Nose job of clinically termed as “ Rhinoplasty”, is a non- invasive nose plastic surgery that reconstruct or reshape or correct the natural nose flaws in terms of rectifying or enhancing the nose tip, treating nasal trauma, eliminating or resolving congenital defects and restoring the acute functioning of the nose. Enlarged or centrally off nose or droopy nose tip blemishes the beauty and consequently lower the confidence of an individual. Nose job is a surgical procedure that transforms an ugly appearing asymmetrical nose into a symmetrically shaped beautiful nose.


You can now get the most-effective and best Liposuction results at Engrace Clinics for a very affordable price. Sometimes, dieting and exercising are not enough to lose stubborn fat. As you start gaining weight, you start losing confidence and self-esteem. With the help of Liposuction, you can get a beautiful body shape. Through this technique, you can get improved body contours and proportions.

Thigh Liposuction

You can reshape your thighs by undergoing thigh liposuction at Engrace Clinics. With the help of this technique, localised fat deposits are removed permanently. Both men and women undergo this surgery. It is one of the most common surgeries performed at Engrace Clinics. The doctors performing this surgery are highly-qualified and have the experience of carrying out many successful cases. Inner and outer portions of your thigh don’t always respond to exercise and diet. Hence, thigh liposuction is the best option.

Male Breast Reduction

Due to an excess storage of fat around the chest portion of men, or irregular behavior of glandular tissue, men may develop breasts. This can be bad for their self-esteem, confidence, and personality. These negative effects can be reduced by getting male breast reduction, medically called gynecomastia liposuction. In Greek, gynecomastia means ladies like breast. 40 to 60% of men suffer from this problem. Male breast reduction is a surgical procedure in which enlarged male breasts are lessened with the help of liposuction or by removal of excess glandular tissue.

Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery

You can now get successful reconstructive cosmetic surgery at Engrace Clinics for a very affordable price. This kind of surgery is performed in cases where patients have an abnormal body structure caused by trauma, tumor, disease, congenital defects, abnormalities in development, and infection. To improve functioning, as well as to get a normal appearance, reconstructive cosmetic surgery is done. With the help of this surgery, you can lead a normal and better life, your appearance will be restored and your mobility and functionality is improved.